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February 14th Issue of Greenlane Digest


Greenlane a Top Pick at StoneCastle Investment Management

Greenlane (TSXV:GRN) is a pioneer in the rapidly emerging renewable natural gas (RNG) market. We work with waste producers, gas utilities, and project developers to turn low-value biogas into a valuable low-carbon clean energy resource.

Greenlane is a pure play in the RNG space, offering multiple core biogas upgrading technologies, in use and proven in the industry today. Biogas upgrading sales are forecasted by industry to grow at minimum 30% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next five years in North America and Europe. Our demonstrated leadership in biogas upgrading, scope and breadth of product offerings, and 30+ years’ industry experience are fierce competitive advantages.

Today, we are a trusted partner globally and are ranked number one in installed capacity, having delivered more than 100+ biogas upgrading installations in 18 countries and counting. We’ve learned a lot along the way. First to market in 11 of the 18 countries where our systems operate, we’re also proud to have supplied the systems for the largest RNG production facilities in North America and Europe, respectively.


Through the Greenlane Digest, our goal is to provide weekly updates and the latest articles on the RNG industry. Make sure you forward our newsletter to your contacts!

Greenlane was featured on BNN Bloomberg’s Market Call segment this past week, where Bruce Campbell, president and portfolio manager at StoneCastle Investment Management, highlighted GRN as one of his Top Picks. Mr. Campbell mentions the growing global movement toward carbon neutrality and the significant runway for growth of the biogas segment, which he believes will continue to grow from a current penetration of ~0.3% of the natural gas mix to 5% to 10% over the next decade. Mr. Campbell sees Greenlane in the early stages of growth and anticipates multiple expansion with years of growth ahead.

Dominion Energy announced one of the boldest commitments yet in the U.S. energy sector, as the company now has set a new target of net zero emissions by the year 2050. Dominion has already cut carbon emissions by ~50% since 2005 and reduced methane emissions by nearly 25% since 2010. The company has committed to invest in carbon-beneficial RNG projects through multiple joint ventures that have previously been announced.

The transportation sector continues to see news flow regarding growing use of RNG as a fuel, as Southern California Gas, the nation’s largest gas utility, and Western Milling, one of the largest agricultural product suppliers, introduced a plan to deploy 30 heavy-duty trucks in California. The vehicles will use RNG as fuel and are classified as ultra-low emissions vehicles, with GHG emissions reduced by as much as 80%.

And on the climate change front, new data released indicates that January was the hottest one on record. According to NOAA, global land and ocean temperatures in January were the highest ever since the data was collected, going back 141 years. In addition, the past five years have been the five hottest, with 2020 likely to rank among the five warmest years on record.

For the latest articles on the RNG sector, click on the links below!

February 7-14, 2020

Dominion Energy sets new goal of net zero emissions by 2050

SoCalGas to deploy RNG-fueled heavy-duty trucks

Earth just had its hottest January on record

Greenlane Renewables
Email: IR@greenlanerenewables.com
Phone: 604.493.2004
Address: 110 - 3605 Gilmore Way, Burnaby BC V5G 4X5, Canada.