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November 26th Issue of Greenlane Digest


Greenlane (TSX:GRN) is a pioneer in the rapidly emerging renewable natural gas (RNG) market. We work with waste producers, gas utilities, and project developers to turn low-value biogas into a valuable low-carbon and carbon-negative clean energy resource.

Greenlane is a pure play in the RNG space, offering multiple core biogas upgrading technologies, in use and proven in the industry today. Biogas upgrading sales are forecasted by industry to grow at a minimum 30% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next five years in North America and Europe. Our demonstrated leadership in biogas upgrading, scope and breadth of product offerings, and 30+ years’ industry experience are fierce competitive advantages.

Today, we are a trusted partner globally and are ranked number one in installed capacity, having sold more than 125 biogas upgrading systems into 19 countries and counting. We’ve learned a lot along the way. First to market in 12 of the 19 countries where our systems have been sold, we’re also proud to have supplied the systems for the largest RNG production facilities in North America and Europe, respectively.


Through the Greenlane Digest, our goal is to provide weekly updates and the latest articles on the RNG industry. Make sure you forward our newsletter to your contacts!

Australia recently launched its Bioenergy Roadmap, the first of its kind in Australia and a record commitment from the Australian Government to bioenergy. Significant emissions reductions, fuel security, and waste reduction are identified as key outcomes from the Roadmap to create a better future for the country. Bioenergy Australia has played an important role in the Roadmap’s development and has united over 60 organisations in energy, aviation, heavy transport, investment and banking, construction, waste, agriculture and research to commend the government on the landmark moment for bioenergy in Australia.. The government is anticipated to focus on expanding bioenergy’s market share in hard-to-abate sectors such as renewable industrial heat generation, sustainable aviation fuels and biomethane grid injections.

This year, the world’s scientists issued a clear message to humanity: we have less than 10 years to avert climate catastrophe. Action now is the call, yet action tomorrow remains the political response. No more so than in the transportation sector, which contributes 27% of the UK’s GHG emissions. It is the largest contributor, yet the slowest to decarbonise – only achieving 5% emission reductions since 1990.  The UK’s Net Zero strategy looks at electricity and hydrogen to address transport emissions, despite critical practical and technological barriers that means it will be decades before the impact can be felt. Meanwhile, ready-to-use solutions such as biomethane, which currently deliver the greatest carbon savings, continue to be overlooked. For today’s long haul heavy duty transport vehicles, there is only one mass adoptable fuel and vehicle technology that can deliver decarbonisation immediately, and that is biomethane.

By 2050, 30% to 40% of Europe’s total gas consumption could be made up of sustainable biomethane, according to the 11th edition of the Statistical Report launched today by the European Biogas Association (EBA). The EBA Statistical Report analyses the current availability of renewable gases in Europe, notably biogas and biomethane. Combined biogas and biomethane production in 2020 amounted to 191 TWh or 18.0 bcm of energy and this figure is expected to double in the next 9 years. By 2050, production can be at least fivefold reaching over 1,000 TWh, with some estimates going up to 1,700 TWh. The report also highlights the need for decarbonization of all transportation modes in the coming years and the need for further renewable gas uptake in that sector. According to the report, the sustainable European Bio-LNG (liquified biomethane) production capacity by 2024, considering only confirmed plants, adds up to 10.6 TWh per year. This projected 2024 production capacity could fuel almost 25,000 LNG-powered trucks for the whole year.

The UK’s cow manure, food waste and household sewage can produce enough green gas to heat over 750,000 homes this winter, according to the Energy Networks Association (ENA). Released by the ENA as part of its first annual Britain’s Green Gas Scoreboard, the data shows that enough biomethane is now being produced to supply 770,654 homes while also supporting greener electricity production by displacing fossil natural gas. The report also revealed that a total of 109 biomethane green gas production sites are now connected to the UK’s gas grid, with developers building a further 23 sites across the nation.

For the latest articles on the RNG sector, click on the links below!

Nov 19-26, 2021

Australia unveils Bioenergy Roadmap

Time to maximise the use of biomethane as transport fuel says ADBA

New report highlights biomethane ramp-up and best pathways for full renewable gas deployment

UK’s organic waste can heat 750,000 homes this winter

Greenlane Renewables
Email: IR@greenlanerenewables.com
Phone: 604.493.2004
Address: 110 - 3605 Gilmore Way, Burnaby BC V5G 4X5, Canada.